Spirituality, literature, philosophy and the arts.

Papers dealing with spiritual, literary, aesthetic and philosophical issues.

Exercising Will — by Andres Ramon — last modified 2006-09-09 04:44 PM Spiritual reflections on the concept of Will as seen in J.R.R. Tolkien's work. Paper submitted at the University of Iceland. December 2003. A Pencil-Maker's Spiritual Life — by Andres Ramon — last modified 2006-09-09 04:44 PM Henry David Thoreau's spiritual views in the light of Vedanta, particularly as seen in "A Week in the Concord and Merrimac Rivers" and partially in "Walden". Paper submitted at the University of Iceland, Faculty of English, August 2005. Weltanschauung und Selbsterkenntnis: Philosophische Perspektiven des Westens und Ostens — by Andres Ramon — last modified 2006-09-09 04:44 PM Die Grundlagen der Philosophie des Vedanta und ihre Rezeption im Werk Arthur Schopenhauers "Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung"